Rounding up the 7 shows in 7 days...
"In The Republic of Happiness" -- The first 20 minutes was like an extended Saturday Night Live skit, and I really enjoyed the show... until the whole thing switched and then the next 1.5 hours were absolutely, dreadfully painful. I felt like there was this huge meaning that I was too unintelligent or too young or too American to understand. I am positive there was a TON of stuff going on in this show, but I just completely missed the point.
"A Clockwork Orange" -- Honestly it was the best play I have seen in London. I loved every single second and was blown away. The lead who played Alex was the best performer I have seen on stage here, and I was mesmerized by his performance. I have never seen the movie or read the book, so this was the first time I encountered the story and I really liked it. If you want to know more about this show, ask me in person... I have to finish sorting out in my mind why it was so amazing =]
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